- Publisher: Mystery and Horror, LLC
- Editor: Sarah E. Glenn
- Available in: paperback, ebook
- ISBN: 978-1949281163
- Published: May 29, 2021
Featuring “Yes, You Too Can be a Vegan Vampire” by Rosalind Barden.
Veg-curious? Wanna be a vampire? Come closer, closer. Ginger the Vegan Vamp wants to show you her plant-based life(?)style. Recipe included!
“Just want to let you know, so far we’ve got two of the drafted volunteers reporting sick to the base doctor with severe cases of Aw Hell Naw.” – Paul Wartenberg, “War of the Murder Hornets”
The ninth volume (you read that right) of the Strangely Funny series is one of the weirdest yet. An asexual gives tips on dating succubi. A certain reanimator treats a Miskatonic U football player before the big game. Is there such a thing as a vegan vampire, and what do they eat? And finally, we revisit the invasion of the ‘Martians’ in Surrey.
Let Rosalind Barden, R.C. Mulhare, Erin Lee, Henry L. Herz and many other talented authors guide you through tales of quirky paranormal love, twisted science fiction tropes, and horror gone wrong. So very wrong. Pick up any volume of the series, though, and you’ll find a number of laughs.
Published by
Mystery and Horror, LLC